Monday, July 16, 2012

Icky Sponge

Put your gross sponges in the microwave for 2 minutes and bam disinfected. Or just run to the dollar store and pick up some new ones!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Salty like the sea

Bland pasta? Well that's because you didn't season your water! Just because you end up draining the water away doesn't mean that you shouldn't season it. So give it a good salt shake so that the water is salty. It will add a another good dimension to your cooking.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Super Fast Microwave Cleaning

Forget to wipe down the microwave after that chili explosion? Now it's all crusty and gross? No Problem! Get a bowl of water and some lemon juice (for the odors) and microwave it 2 minutes. LET IT SIT and get all steamy. Come back 5 minutes later or so and voila! Just wipe down with a paper towel.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Egg on Your face? I mean floor..

Dropped an egg? Don't even attempt to pick it up without pouring (and I mean pour as in copious amounts) salt on it. Not that fancy dancy sea salt; regular 'buy it under a dollar' salt. Wait a minute and presto it has some sort of chemical reaction and makes it all easy to scoop up.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Broken Glass??

Clumsy? I can't tell you how often I end up with glass shattered on the floor.

Tip- Press some super soft white bread on the pieces and it seems to almost absorb the glass shards.

This works especially well with those old fashioned light bulbs *

if you break one of those new energy bulbs please follow the instructions on that bulbs packaging. (Actually go do that now because you have to like open windows and get a haz-mat suit on after you break one and you won't want to waste time figuring that out -- same goes for the fire extingusher)

Ah hell- I'm nice and I know its easier to click then to read actual packaging.